Art Vs. Artist 2020!!

Here It Is: My Art vs. Artist / Best of 2020!! Despite the emotional, financial and psychological issues I faced this year, I am surprised how productive I actually was!! Art books, comics, commissions and personal works…they all add up to better personal health and happiness!!


New Artwork: Last Dance!!

New Artwork: Last Dance!! Original Artwork, Art Prints and Tees Available:

This has been a challenging year on many fronts, for many of us, and it continues on. I wanted to find a way to express that we won’t give up on what’s important.


New Artwork: Paradise!!

New Artwork: Paradise!! Original Artwork, Prints and Tees Available:

I’ve wanted to create a piece for a while now that was very romantic involving Sikh men. As you may notice it is another man’s arm in the background, extended ready to embrace his love.
