City Lights city lights, ink/wash on board prints, t-shirts and merchandise available in the STORE section!!
Cosplay Boyfriends cosplay boyfriends, ink/wash on board prints, t-shirts and merchandise available in my STORE section!!
Getting Comfy getting comfy, ink/wash on board! prints, t-shirts and merchandise available in STORE section!!
Hippo Thomas Hippo Thomas: the main character of a child-like and surreal comic strip soon to be featured in P.S. Comics!!
Queer Kid Behind the Coffee Counter I tried my hand at poetry, when inspired while visiting Santa Cruz…
Unfiltered Love unfiltered love, ink/wash on board prints and merchandise available in the STORE section!!
SF: work in progress After being gone for a year, I returned to SF. I got quite a few new pieces started. Had a fantastic burst of creativity drawing at my favorite old haunt, Maxfield’s House of Caffeine!! work in progress: unexpected welcome!!
SF: works in progress After being gone for a year, I returned to SF. I got quite a few new pieces started, but won’t be able to complete them until I return home… work in progress: kinky socks!