New Artwork: Monster Man!! Character design for my new horror/superhero. A scientific test volunteer who transforms into a monster to save lives, but is hated and feared by the populace!!

New Artwork: Dance Break!! Original Artwork (or DM me if interested), Prints and Apparel:
Nothing but hot fashion on the dance floor!
New Art Book Just Arrived!! Get the newest volume in my collectable art library, Motley ’22-23, and any others you’re missing:
A Loving Tribute, A Terrible Loss: Sinead O’Connor premiered at the right time for me; in high school. Her look, strength, voice and demeanor reflected how I wanted to be and I saw an unwavering ally. I understood her struggles as time went on, as her music continued to give me strength. That won’t change. Please rest in peace, powerful lady.
Monday’s Feature: Art Tees!! For Every Piece of Artwork Available, There’s a Companion Art T-shirt!! Collect ’em All: