New Artwork: Cat Detectives!! A belated birthday present for a loved one. Over time I’ve made her kitties into detectives searching for answers, hither and yon!!

I’m so pleased to have done another art swap, this time with artist Jae Wesley @fruitdepressed. We created work for one another and I just finished mine! Below is my piece (both censored, at top and uncensored original, at bottom) as well as the piece I received. I cannot wait to get it framed and up on the Artists’ Wall in my studio!! Thanks Jae!!
New Gallery Show: Dropping off new artwork for the next show @83galleryohio in @brothersdrake!! Starts Jan 18 – Feb 5th, my pieces are $360 each. The Opening Night Shindig is Jan 28th. Be there or be square!!
New Artwork: Window Visitor!! This is the first full blown piece of finished art I’ve completed in the new year!! I can’t wait to show you all what I have planned… Original Artwork, Art Prints, Apparel and More:
Copies of the newest volume in my collectable art library arrived today: Comic Art!! I’ve got mine, now go get yours and check out the whole collection: