New Artwork: Pink Vigilante!! Another piece involving yet another character design of one of my favorite characters. I do think I’ll stick with a variation on this retro style!! Artwork for sale, DM if interested!!

Art Show News: I have two pieces in the @83gallery_ show opening this weekend @blockfort!! Both pieces, This Little Light and Cypress Bath, are priced at $250. I hope to see you at the reception on the 15th. This is my first show since COVID and I’m feeling so good about it!
New Artwork: Nature’s Shower!! Original Artwork ($195), Art Prints, Apparel and More:
This new piece is simply inspired by classic beefcake pin-ups. Usually good for some cheeky and aesthetic fun. Enjoy!
ART TEES FOR SPRING: COLLECT’EM ALL: A Variety of Art Apparel for Everyone:
Every piece of artwork in my shop has corresponding apparel options for everyone and every taste!! Get creative and Enjoy!!
New Character Design: Bejewelled Thief!! A portrait/character design of my friend/colleague @dooleyslack, as a going away present!! Enjoy!