Back By Request: P.S. Comics Issue 0!! Early published stories, first chapters and future looks from my ongoing comic anthology series!! Grab a copy today:

Back By Request: P.S. Comics Issue 0!! Early published stories, first chapters and future looks from my ongoing comic anthology series!! Grab a copy today:
New Artwork: Bounce 3!! Original Artwork, Prints and Apparel:
I’m still a little wonky making art right now, and am feeling a little inspired. So I wanted to create something fun and silly during Pride Month. Enjoy!
Art Book: After COVID delays, my sketchbook at The Brooklyn Art Library is digitized and available for perusal on-line!! Check out the entire book:
New Artwork: Kitsune Lad!! Art Prints, Apparel and Much More:
This new fun piece was just me being silly, wanting to draw a fox spirit. I liked it so much, I put it on my RB shop. Enjoy!
New Artwork: Midnight Cuddle!! Original Artwork, Prints and Apparel:
I haven’t drawn a couple interacting in a while. I’m also feeling a little touch-starved at the moment, hence the inspiration. Enjoy!
New Artwork: Mister Princess Leaps!! Art Prints, Apparel and Much More:
I really wanted to start showing my superhero characters in action, between comic projects. Enjoy!!
PRIDE MONTH EXCLUSIVE: Come Out Come Out!! Original Artwork, Prints and Apparel:
I created this piece one year ago during the pandemic shutdown. I didn’t want it to go unseen. I think it’s very cute, whimsical and supportive to my LGBTQ family. Enjoy!!
Memorial Day Weekend Sale: 20-60% Off Everything!! Art Prints, Apparel and Much More: (Use Code: FINDYOUROWNTHING)