Thank You For Your Support!! I’m mailing some artwork out today, art prints and a piece for an art swap!! I appreciate any and all support I receive. It’s been a bit of a struggling period right now but I hope to come out of it soon… Keep it up!!
Tag: comic art
Monday Work(s)-in-Progress!!
Happy Birthday Bugs Bunny!!
New Artwork: Gym Minotaur!!
New Artwork: Gym Minotaur!! Original Artwork, Prints and Apparel:
A muscular anthropomorphic bull stands confidently with vibrant tattoos on its body against a blue, bubbly background. The bull is wearing small tied gym shorts.
Morning Work-in-Progress: Gym Minotaur!!
Earliest Works: DJ Flyers!!
A dear old friend of mine recently found and shared with me these flyers I drew for her in the golden age of our youth. I was in high school, she was a college campus DJ. I went out and about starting at a very early age and M2 and I became fast friends. These are a great item of nostalgia for me, and looking at them I say: “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby”! Enjoy!!
Morning Work-in-Progress: Boys on Bike!!
Birthday Presents: Art Supplies!!
Today’s Work-in-Progress: Makin’ Comix!!
Birthday Week Art Sale!!
Birthday Week Art Sale: 20% Off EVERYTHING (including original artwork) 6/23-6/29 Use Code: MDLAMD