Illustrated Lads Preview!! Illustrated Lads: Here’s a quick flip through some pages of my first art book!! Pick up a copy today and spread the word!! (pardon the camera work)
Patchwork Lad!! New Artwork: Patchwork Lad!! Original Artwork, Prints and Tees Available:
Nightmare!! Halloween Limited Edition: Nightmare!! Art Prints, Apparel and More Available:
Illustrated Lads Is Now Available!! I’m so excited!! Illustrated Lads: My first official art book is now available!! It comes in three different editions, each w/ unique touches…(I recommend the dust cover edition) Pick up a copy today and spread the word!!
Wednesday’s Work-in-Progress!! Today’s Work-in-Progress: Cover Art Sneak Preview!! I’m working on the cover for my art book, Illustrated Lads (Available October 2019)!!
P.S. Comics Now In Print!! (Finally) For the First Time in Print: P.S. Comics Issue 0!! Remastered for your enjoyment on the printed page!! Please pick up a copy today and spread the word!!
Alien Invasion!! Alien Invasion: Cover Art for P.S. Comics!! Art Prints, Apparel and More Available:!!