Now Available: LADS!!

Now in Print: LADS!! This compilation of over 20 pin-ups came about as a creative distraction while in solitary during the ongoing pandemic quarantine of 2020. I wanted to focus on something stylish, playful and a little sexy!…Plus who doesn’t enjoy a little beefcake!!



Trans Icon: Holly Woodlawn!!

Trans Awareness Week: Holly Woodlawn!! A true inspiration of my youth, Mx Woodlawn fully created herself from the ground up and propelled herself ever forward. A Warhol Superstar, cabaret artist, author, icon, and inspiring a mention in Lou Reed’s hit, Take a Walk on the Wild Side.


New Artwork: Satyr Summer!!

New Artwork: Satyr Summer!! Original Artwork, Prints and Tees Available:

This is a fantasized portrait of a the vivacious @bellialdarshan intending to acknowledge the wildness of the radical Summer 2020 with a street fashion flair!!


LGBTQ Pride Month: Bayard Rustin!!

Know Your Queer History: Bayard Rustin!! Mr. Rustin was an openly gay African American civil rights leader and advisor, who taught Dr King the ways of nonviolent political protest. He challenged the Montgomery Bus Boycott, School Segregation, and the Jim Crow laws. He helped organize the March on Washington in 1963. Though revered for his strength and intelligence, he was often asked to take a position behind his equals in the forefront of the civil rights stage, due to his homosexuality. In his later years he took up fighting on the Gay Liberation civil rights movements. President Obama posthumously awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013. And this year Gov Gavin Newsom pardoned Rustin posthumously for discriminatory ‘moral’ charges he had been arrested for in 1953. This man is an absolute idol of mine. To learn his story, is to learn our history… Recommended Reading: Time on Two Crosses (Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin)!!
