Coming Soon: New BIGGER Artwork!! I’ve been wanting to shake things up creatively for some time now. I will be creating new works on a larger scale, literally, to play with the the scope of storytelling. These will be sold exclusively as originals; no prints or merchandise, probably through my long dormant Etsy shop. I cannot wait to get started!!
Tag: work in progress
Morning Work-in-Progress: Euphoria!!
New Cover Artwork: Comic Art!!
New Cover Artwork-in-Progress: Comic Art!! Comic Art is the newest volume in my collectable art library will be available this week!! Check out my entire art library:
Art Studio: Autumnal Cleaning!!
My Morning View/Work-in-Progress!!
Morning Work-in-Progress: Making Comics!!
Saturday Morning Work-in-Progress: Makin’ Comics!! I’ve made much more progress on my next issue of P.S. Comics than I realized!! I’m so pleased!! PLUS: The Zero Issue is still available for purchase: