New Comic ARTWORK: Power Transference!! Another new page complete…with more on the way. Once this story is complete, a new issue will be available!! Cannot wait!!
Character Design: Sunday is for Superheroes!! Going through my bevvy of character designs and figuring which need updates before I use them in new stories!
Morning Work-in-Progress: Spent the first morning in a while at a coffee house getting things sorted for the new year, plus got to spend quality time with my bestie Anthony while he’s in town…all this with Bleachers playing in the background. Perfect!!
Coming in January: Cover artwork-in-progress for the second annual volume of Motley, my collection of miscellaneous unpublished art from the previous year!!
This Morning’s Work-in-Progress: Updating and redesigning, The Lovejoys!!
The Lovejoys are my super sentai (superhero) group I created years ago for P.S. Comics. I want to use them finally but they definitely need an upgrade!! Enjoy!
Sunday Morning Work-in-Progress: Secret Artwork!! I’m doing a special piece as a surprise wedding present for a co-worker. I’ll present it to her upon return from her honeymoon…cross fingers!!
Friday Morning Work-in-Progress: Cover Artwork!! Cover art for a future sci-fi saga… I’ve been obsessed lately with doing more graphics work, creating cover art for future works that may not necessarily ever get made. I’ve been inspired by retro manga cover art design.